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The project aims to honour with a tree the memory of every individual who has fallen in the service of Australia. The Avenues of Honour 1915-2015 project is a national initiative to honour with a tree the memory of every individual who has made the supreme sacrifice on behalf of all Australians. With community support, the project will document, preserve and reinstate the original avenues where possible and establish new Avenues of Honour to coincide with the centenary of Anzac in 2015. It is an initiative of TREENET, the non-for-profit national urban tree research and education organisation based at the Waite Arboretum, University of Adelaide. Part proceeds from the sale of Gallipoli Rosemary sold around Australia by the APG Network of growers is donated to TREENET’s Avenues of Honour 1915-2015 Project. Gallipoli Rosemary 140mm
Gallipoli Rosemary History In 1915 a wounded digger from Adelaide was repatriated to the Army Hospital at Keswick. He brought back with him a small rosemary bush dug up from the slopes and ravines of the Anzac Cove and it was planted in the hospital grounds. For decades small sprigs of the digger’s rosemary were worn to honour the fallen on Anzac and Armistice days and after the Repatriation Hospital was established during WW2 at Daw Park SA, cuttings were taken and it was grown into a hedge on the hospital grounds.  This history was only discovered by David Lawry, Founder and Director of the AoH Project, when as a landscaper in the late 1980’s he was inadvertently removing part of it during renovations and the hospital gardener told him of its origin. Worried that it might all be lost he took cuttings and kept a number of them growing in his native nursery to conserve the plant for posterity. From the hedge, cuttings have been provided to the nursery industry and official labels produced which provide a royalty which is paid to TREENET, to donate to the Avenues of Honour 1915-2015 project.    Australian Perennial Growers are the major growers of Gallipoli Rosemary in Australia. Please click link below for Growers in your state :-

Gallipoli Rosemary Growers